sculptor & sound artist

Teilhabeprojekte, USA / Community art projects, USA

Oracle OpenWorld, JavaOne, San Francisco, USA, 2017

Skulptur "LightSculpture"  
Teilhabeprojekt mit 350 Messebesuchern der Oracle Openworld in San Francisco
(Kooperation mit dem Media Artist Wolf Nkole Helzle, Fotografie)


2 m x 1,22 m x 1,70 m, fluoreszierendes Acrylglas, transparentes Acrylglas, schwarzer Holzsockel, Klebepunkte, Lichtleisten

Während der dreitägigen Konferenz von Oracle Openworld, JavaOne 2017, entstand das Teilhabeprojekt LightSculpture. Das vor Ort fotografierte Portrait der Besucher wurde in einem fluoreszierendem Acrylglas ausgeschnitten und anschließend  in die Skulptur eingesetzt. Insgesamt nahmen rund 350 Besucher teil. 

During the three-day conference of Oracle Openworld, JavaOne 2017, the participation project LightSculpture was born. The portrait of the visitors was cut out in a fluorescent acrylic glass and then inserted into the sculpture. In total, around 350 visitors attended.

Modern Developer, Oracle OpenWorld | October 10, 2017
Cloud Is Secret Behind Developer Lounge IoT, Art
By: Alexa Morales

Six CNC routers are cutting and etching faces into fluorescent acrylic while German artist Mirja Wellmann watches nearby. A woman admiring Wellmann’s sculpture gushes, “It’s beautiful! It’s like if you have talent, there are no limits!” Nearby, four flavors of microbrewed beer are perfected with data from IoT sensors. Oracle OpenWorld 2017 attendees rate the brews on touch screens. Others assemble colorful furniture made from 3D-printed beams designed by Java expert Michael Hoffer. Adorable robots intrigue passers-by. Welcome to Oracle’s annual Developer Lounge.

Merging Art and Technology

For the creatively inclined, there’s a thrilling implication behind the Developer Lounge: Artists are in demand to find new ways to incorporate such elements as CNC routers, 3D printers, IoT sensors, robotics, and cloud-native intelligence into novel experiences.
That’s how Wellmann sees it. The sculptor and sound artist who conceived of the interactive art at the last two annual conferences, she is all smiles as she notes how much she enjoys working with people—most of her installations are collaborative.
Using facial recognition technology, the faces of attendees who pose for a photo by Wolf Helzle, Wellmann’s social media artist husband, are plotted for cutting on the CNC routers, then glued to a series of glowing Lucite slabs. “I wanted to do the portrait of the attendees like a flying abstract form—a flock,” she says.

Though she has no technology background, Wellmann began using cutting machines to help build enormous wooden forms. Now, she’s optimistic that companies like Oracle will need people like her and her husband to put technology to creative use: “For me, I’m really lucky because [this collaboration means] I can do things that by myself I can’t.”


Oracle OpenWorld, JavaOne, San Francisco, USA, 2016

Skulptur "HearingNest"  
Teilhabeprojekt mit 400 Messebesuchern der Oracle Openworld und der JavaOne in San Francisco
und Performance "Hearing" mit ca. 1500 Besuchern der Community Keynote im Hilton, San Francisco



Jedes Jahr findet in San Francisco, USA, zwei der größten IT-Fachkonferenzen statt, Oracle Open World und JavaOne, die Tausende von Menschen aus aller Welt anzieht. Als diesjährige Künstlerin 2016 ist die Bildhauerin und Klangkünstlerin Mirja Wellmann eingeladen, zeitgleich für beide Veranstaltungen ein partizipatorisches Kunstprojekt mit den Besuchern durchzuführen. Die Besucher werden von der Künstlerin angeleitet, auf die Geräusche im Raum zu lauschen und  einen Geräuschverursacher mittels einer extra für das Hörprojekt programmierten App digital zu zeichnen und das Motiv von aufgestellten CNC-Maschinen in Kunststoff aussägen zu lassen. Die gesammelten Geräuschmotive finden Eingang in ein von Mirja Wellmann vor Ort gestaltetes und während des Konferenzzeitraumes sichtbar wachsendes "HörNest": Ein plastisch gewordenes Hörstück in Gestalt einer Skulptur.

Each year  two of the largest IT conferences are held in San Francisco, USA, Oracle Open World and JavaOne, which attracts thousands of people from all over the world. As this year's artist, the sculptress and sound artist Mirja Wellmann is invited to perform a participatory art project with visitors for both events. The visitors are guided by the artist to listen to the sounds in the room and to draw a sound with the aid of a specially programmed app for the hearing project. The collected sound motifs are found in a "HearingNest", which has been designed by Mirja Wellmann on the spot and is visibly growing during the conference period: A sculptural listening piece in the form of a sculpture. During the Community Keynote of JavaOne, Mirja Wellmann perform a "One Minute Hearingperformance" with the audience. The audience listen of the sounds in the room.